Join us to Celebrate our class of 2025 on April 27th! Details and registration
As young adults with learning differences age out of the school system at 22, they encounter what’s known as “the cliff,” where they transition from consistency and structure to an uncoordinated and underfunded system where training programs and employment opportunities are scarce. This scarcity has created a significant demand for skilled employment training and job opportunities in Metro DC.
Since 2010 Sunflower Bakery has been working to close the employment gap through training adults 18+ with learning differences due to diagnosed disabilities, as well as adults with learning differences that are undiagnosed due to socioeconomic impacts or inadequate and/or inconsistent educational supports.
Our approach works because we are student centered and collaborate with stakeholders across our community
(Disability Statistics from the American Community Survey (ACS)
Learn more about our training programs.
Our student-centered model is successful because of strong community support. Our community is interconnected and includes a vast array of stakeholders including student supports and families, local schools, disability professionals, donors, customers, employers, state agencies, the Jewish community, and more. We are stronger together and this collaborative effort works in service to the success of our students.
Everyone has a role to play at Sunflower! Join us today.