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Word cloud of many words, but the central focus is on the word "Inclusion"

Although 90% of companies claim to prioritize diversity, only 4% consider disability in those initiatives, according to a report from the Return On Disability Group. Sunflower provides pathways for employers to increase their DEI. Sunflower prioritizes establishing and maintaining strong relationships with area food businesses. Sunflower graduates make great employees! They are well-trained in the skills required in the food industry as well as loyal and dependable. And, customers will appreciate the inclusivity of your staff. Adding a Sunflower graduate to your team will be a win-win arrangement!

6 reasons hiring individuals with disabilities is good for businesses!

  1. Improve your company’s bottom line.
  2. Discover untapped potential.
  3. Reduce turnover.
  4. Improve company morale and overall culture.
  5. Expand your consumer market.
  6. Qualify for financial incentives.

Excerpted from Forbes Magazine, Seven Reasons Why Hiring People With Disabilities Is Good For Business

Do you want the right person for the job?

Sunflower graduates are well-trained in the skills required in the food industry as well as loyal and dependable. And customers will appreciate the inclusivity of your staff. Adding a Sunflower graduate to your team will be a win-win arrangement!

Join our growing pool of inclusive businesses!

Why hire a Sunflower graduate to join your team?

By welcoming graduates from Sunflower, you will be accessing a trained and reliable part of the workforce that you may not have reached before. Expanding the universe of potential hires to include Sunflower graduates has worked well for dozens of employers and will likely work well for your team too!

Do you have trouble recruiting for certain positions?

Over a 6-month period followed by up to one year of on-the-job training and production, Sunflower graduates prepare for front and back-of-house work in the food industry and other hospitality-centered industries. They learn the necessary tasks and are willing to work for long-periods in needed positions.

Do you need to recruit and retain loyal, hard-working staff?

Sunflower graduates are hardworking, loyal and dependable. They are trained by industry professionals and understand what is expected of them. There is evidence to suggest that employees with a learning disability stay with one employer for a longer time than most other employees, and take less time off work. This saves time and money for employers!

Are you committed to equal opportunities and a diverse workforce?

Evidence also suggests that the public thinks more highly of businesses that make an extra effort to employ individuals of differing abilities. Customers will appreciate the commitment to a community-minded approach of businesses that act on the ideals of diversity, equality and inclusion.

Are you interested in developing and expanding a loyal customer base?

Hiring Sunflower graduates makes good business sense. Your customers will feel especially good about telling friends, colleagues and family about your business and inclusion of staff with differing abilities will engender customer loyalty among interested individuals and groups who represent a significant and growing customer base.

Ready to find out more? Sunflower graduates are ready to work!

Contact us at