Join us to Celebrate our class of 2025 on April 27th! Details and registration


By the Numbers: Students - 4,872 training hours for 12 Hospitality students; 10,520 training hours for 21 Pastry Arts students; 33 employment students & 320 hours for teens; 64% of students placed in employment within 6 months of graduation; 12 graduates hired. Outreach - 60 current employer partners; 3 repeat employer partners; 7 new partners including Coffee Republic & Fresh Baguette. Sales - 12.5% increase in sales year over year.


Contributions: Fundraising, $788,587, 49%; Earned Income, $836,460, 51%.

Expense by Function: Management & Fundraising, $320,324, 16%; Program Services, $1,632,218, 84%.


Revenue Sources: Bakery Sales, $469,867, 29%; Program Fees, $366,593, 23%; Individual, $334,005, 20%; Government, $143,103, 9%; Foundation, $241,600, 15%; Corporate, $69,879, 4%.